Airport Arrivals & Departures

Map of the Airports in Malaysia


Malaysia is an area belonging the continent of Asia. It is a Federal Kingdom with approx. 29,000,000 m inhabitants. The population density is about 142 persons per square mile and the official Languages are Malay, Chinese and Tamil. Malaysia spreads over an area of about 204,835 square miles with Kuala Lumpur as capital. The official currency is Mal. Ringgit (1 Mal. Ringgit = 100 Sen) with LOW price tendency.

All in all we have 13 airports with about 78.7m passengers per year available for you. Please choose your desired travel destination from the airport-overview below the map:

IATA Code Airport Passengers per year
BTU Bintulu 165,619
JHB Johor Bahru 370,852
KBR Kota Bharu 499,695
BKI Kota Kinabalu 1,106,165
KUL Kuala Lumpur 47,242,468
SZB Kuala Lumpur Subang 571,913
KCH Kuching 839,876
LGK Langkawi 761,642
MYY Miri 506,988
PEN Penang 540,636
SDK Sandakan 242,443
SBW Sibu 242,451
TWU Tawau 415,615

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