Airport Arrivals & Departures

Map of the Airports in the USA - California

USA - California

USA - California is an area belonging the continent of North America. It is a Federal Republic with approx. 37,253,956 m inhabitants. The population density is about 149 persons per square mile and the official Language is English. USA - California spreads over an area of about 250,819 square miles with Sacramento as capital. The official currency is US Dollar (1 US Dollar = 100 Cents) with AVERAGE price tendency.

All in all we have 14 airports with about 180.6m passengers per year available for you. Please choose your desired travel destination from the airport-overview below the map:

IATA Code Airport Passengers per year
BUR Burbank 6,034,729
FAT Fresno 2,449,418
LGB Long Beach 3,739,307
LAX Los Angeles 75,050,851
MRY Monterey 467,934
OAK Oakland 11,239,075
ONT Ontario 6,430,033
PSP Palm Springs 3,237,325
SMF Sacramento 12,977,001
SAN San Diego 22,009,921
SFO San Francisco 50,196,094
SJC San Jose (US) 12,097,160
SNA Santa Ana 11,741,325
SBA Santa Barbara 1,268,000

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