Airport Arrivals & Departures
Map of the Airports in the USA - Oklahoma

USA - Oklahoma is an area belonging the continent of North America. It is a Federal Republic with approx. 3,751,351 m inhabitants. The population density is about 340 persons per square mile and the official Language is English. USA - Oklahoma spreads over an area of about 11,043 square miles with Oklahoma City as capital. The official currency is US Dollar (1 US Dollar = 100 Cents) with AVERAGE price tendency.
All in all we have 2 airports with about 6.6m passengers per year available for you. Please choose your desired travel destination from the airport-overview below the map:
IATA Code | Airport | Passengers per year |
OKC | Oklahoma City | 4,400,049 |
TUL | Tulsa | 3,144,567 |